I'm teaching Beginner Modern Calligraphy classes!

I am super excited to announce that I have joined the team at Sip & Script to start teaching Beginner Modern Calligraphy classes in Omaha! Sip & Script classes are designed to be a fun and laid-back way to learn calligraphy, with a drink in hand. How does it get any better than that?? These classes are encouraged for people who have never taken a calligraphy class before. I teach the basics and the expectation for students is to have ink flowing through their nib with enough confidence to be able to practice way beyond class.

I am still working on scheduling more classes, but go to this page at any time to view my current class schedule and buy tickets! Bring your mom, BFF, bridal party, or even just yourself to have some fun and learn a new skill! Hope to see you there!

Introducing Bailey's Letters!

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Hello and THANK YOU for visiting my new website! I am so excited to finally get started on something that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now.

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My name is Bailey, and I live in Omaha, NE with my family. I have always had a particular passion for drawing letters, ever since I was a kid - I remember my parents telling me that I needed to draw something besides just my name over and over again in different styles! When I was 12, my mom told me that she thought I would become a graphic designer, because I was constantly illustrating poems and sayings in Microsoft Paint (it’s a shame that I don’t have them anymore…). That kind of stuck with me all the way through to college, which is crazy to think about!

I began to address wedding envelopes for a few people right out of college, and I realized that I LOVED doing it. It’s been a dream of mine for awhile to start a hand-lettering business, and I’m so excited to finally start! I have had a lot of encouragement from my amazing husband, family and friends, so thank you to those of you who have helped me pursue this dream! :)